Day 19: Caffeine Advantage?
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
6:10 am
Book Report on “The Caffeine Advantage”
Video Summary:
Last two days I’ve had classic caffeine withdrawal symptoms: Headaches, irritability, difficulty concentrating, tiredness, flu-like symptoms. Yesterday my symptoms were about half as bad. Still feeling blah Just don’t feel good.
Book Report: “Caffeine Advantage”
Reading the book is tempting me to alleviate my symptoms by just drinking an energy drink. After all, they’re telling me caffeine is good for me.
Authors seem to be promoting caffeine pills in this book, after having written a scholarly, reference book the year before.
“Caffeine Blues” (1998) and “The Caffeine Advantage” (2002) are two good books to get both sides of the caffeine story.
Caffeine is the #1 drug in the world for a reason: Great for waking you up in the morning, great for staying awake while driving, great if you have to stay up late at night, great for sharpening your mind for some mundane task.
Is caffeine good for your creativity? Authors thesis is that caffeine woke Europe up after a thousand years. Most current studies say caffeine does not enhance creativity.
Caffeine helps to get in a good mood, useful for relaxation and meditation during a coffee break, helps improve your athletic performance.
Is caffeine good for weight loss? Not in my case.
Does caffeine make you feel younger? anti-oxidants?
Authors refute prior claims that caffeine causes many health problems.
I drink caffeine not because of all the great benefits, but simply because I’m addicted.
I feel like I’m in a jury listening to two partisan lawyers making the case for and against caffeine.
I don’t even have to read the anti-caffeine book to make up my decision to quit caffeine.