Day 10: Losing Weight

Day 10:  Losing Weight

Monday, September 16, 2013
10:15 am
Sugar seems to worsen my acid reflux.  Starting to lose some weight even though I’m still ingesting more sugar than recommended.

Video Summary:

The drink now has 10 1/2 tsp or 42 grams of sugar.  Drink is still sweet.  Everything is going according to plan with no problems.  I was out and about yesterday and didn’t have time to drink the drink during the day; so I drank it all after dinner.  Drinking all that sugar at once late at night aggravated my acid reflux, which just confirms for me the link between sugar and acid reflux. I’m hoping that one of the benefits of this program will be to help mitigate my acid reflux by cutting sugar.

I weighed 195 this morning, so I’ve lost about 5 pounds, but I wouldn’t say that that is too significant since in the last 10 years I’ve tended to weigh between 195 and 205 pounds.  When I get to 210 pounds I know I’m too heavy and have to do something.  Any weight between 195 and 205 I don’t consider significant, but I think its a good sign that I’m on the lower bound of my range, and I do think I’m going to start losing weight soon.  If I get to 190 or below, I know that that is significant weight loss for me.

Also, I’m not really cutting back on carbohydrates other than sugar. (I am a little, but not militantly).  Yesterday I had a sandwich with an Italian roll and last night I had macaroni and cheese.

I checked out a book “Salt, Sugar and Fat” from the library.  This is a 2013 book by Michael Moss who is a Pulitzer Prize winner.  I will try to review this book in the coming days.  I’m going to try to read more recent books, since the sugar story has changed significantly in just the last 4 or 5 years, with the new theory that concentrated fructose found in sucrose and high fructose corn syrup is the main problem, more-so than refined carbohydrates  with a high glycemic index.  The latter issue may still be a problem, but the new theory is that fructose is the main problem, which is why I am concentrating primarily on minimizing refined sugars and HFCS rather than cutting out carbohydrates generally.

I’m just a few days away from consuming the American Heart Association’s recommended 9 tsp of sugar a day.  So today’s 10 1/2 tsp is above the AHA recommended  9 tsp,  but half the 22 tsp that the average American normally consumes.  This may explain why I am losing weight even though I am actually consuming more sugar than what is recommended.

The program is going well and is quite easy compared to my caffeine withdrawal program – at least so far.


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