Day 51: Breaking my Record

Day 51: Breaking my Record

Sunday, June 16, 2013
12:00 Noon
Broke my record of going 21 days without caffeine.

Video Summary:

Just wanted to give a status update since I haven’t done any videos for several weeks. Today marks the three week point from my last caffeine:  21 days without any caffeine at all, tying my previous record when going cold turkey.

The difference between the gradual withdrawal method and cold turkey has been like night and day.  I would definitely recommend this program if you are serious about getting off of caffeine.  I have had essentially no physical withdrawal symptoms for the past few weeks. The psychological cravings, which are typically really bad when going cold turkey, have actually not been that bad in the past few weeks.  I had only one real strong craving on day three of the caffeine free period, and one other day of a strong craving.

In the last couple of weeks I don’t want to say I’ve felt really great being off of caffeine. I think my body is still going through some kind of adjustment process.  There were a couple periods where my mood was really low, and I felt had a lot of anxiety again.  So just want to warn you that this may happen to you, and you may not immediately feel great when you’re off the caffeine.

I pretty much just feel the same as I always have, but without caffeine.  I’m just not addicted to caffeine anymore.  This seems like a great tradeoff to me.  I believe that caffeine was providing no net benefit at all to me.

In terms of energy level, I have plenty of energy all day. In my view, caffeine and energy drinks have nothing to do with energy at all. So energy has not been a problem.

I’ve even stopped drinking the herbal teas to wake up in the morning.  I just wakeup and eat or drink whatever. I still drink the herbal teas occasionally though.

I think I will do one more progress report when I hit the 30 day mark, since that was my initial goal and vow.

So things are going well.  I basically got off caffeine and I’m hoping to stay off caffeine  for life.


One reply on “Day 51: Breaking my Record”

Did you know that Johns Hopkins is studying caffeine dependence? I’m wondering if they will create a drug to help quit. I will email the professor who is leading the study.

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